Ever have any stars which you admire? I'm sure many of you do. Wouldn't it be sad to see them retire from the scene? As they are your inspiration to the goals you want to achieve? Be it academic wise or hobbies which are deem important to you. I do have the people whom i admire most tho. For example Richard Branson of Virgin Corp a people's boss thatz what most brand him to be. It is never easy to be people orientated and yet achieve high level of performance.
But this time round it would be a tribute to my Favorite basketball player Jason. William A.K.A White Chocolate. Breaking news state that he decided to retire from NBA. Sad arin't it? Such a talent he was, as he was voted one of the top 5 most exciting player to watch. Although many state that, with his style of playing the team would never be able to get into the finals or even win any championship. But he prove them wrong, he won the championship with Miami HEATS!! He would be my Favorite basketball player of all time.
He inspired me to play as a point guard during high sch times with those fancy passes flying around and i gotten scolded by BRYAN( basketball captain during his time), in the end i was being put to play in SG position during competition. After Bryan left Marcus was the cap and i was vice cap. I can still remember the days where we were having our competition against Anglican sec. That coach of theirs filled a team of their subs to match against us. WTH... Marcus and I were kind of pissed yet happy cause we might be able to win the match which we are bound to lose. Opening quarter I scored a couple of 3 point shots & a 2 point. Not all Anglican player was as good I guess as the one guarding me totally suckz and still have the cheek to say that my shots were of sheer luck whereby he didn’t even score and made all the sortz of loop hole in his defense which cause his team to deploy 2 players to guard me. I gotten 11 points and Marcus scored the rest as he was free to score after 2 players was guarding me. Our tactic worked!! We were leading after the first quarter which left the Anglican’s coach fuming. Still we loss the game as they filled their best 5 players from 2nd quarter on wards. All of em were foreign players!! DOPE~ But it was a match to remember as we battle till the last min and we didn’t lose badly.
Alright lining behind J.W would be everybody's favorite M.J (Michael Jordan). M.J was the inspiration to why I’m able to dunk when I was in primary school. With the height of 1.55m during that time!! Belief and hard work was what kept me going I guess. I can still remember that I caught a steal, dribbled it to the opp basket and next thing I knew. I dunk in front of my friends. We were all shocked. And I never look back ever since.
(Trying to end on a cool note~ *Puke*) Lol!

Name: J.W Aka White Chocolate
Jersey No: 55
Position: point guard
Style of dribbling: Street/Freestyle
Prime time: When he was with Sacramento Kings. Won NBA championship with Miami HEATS
Herez a clip of him. He is that damn good. Yes he is :)
Ps: When you have a dream chase it and never give up. Dont ever live to regret.
*Pro Tes Qui Vui*