To be or not to be, that is the question..
Up to date, i've clinched up to $400k+ of sales and by the end
of this month i should have did up to half a mil of sales..
Well i've gotten praised by AVP who is the in charge of sales department.
He emailed my sales achievement to the whole department and that kinda made me feel proud of myself. As i'm still a green horn in this company.
However i am starting to ponder if this is the sort of job which i wanted?
And with all those efforts which i've put in i seriously believe that i would be able to achieve more than what i deserve in other companies..
It is not about the stress level even though i have to shoulder the burden of 3 person's work load. As i've condition myself to adapt to that level of stress.
Rather i felt that i wasn't being paid what i should be..
As i'm under probation, thus i would not receive any comm from my sales.
Anyway even if i did receive those comm, itz not as significant as it should be.
Hence if i have to sacrifice so much to earn peanuts. I believe that i would be able to make a break through in other jobs.
I've always wanted to know if my team manager is a really nice aunty or if shez treating me well just because i'm able to cover those shit load of work.. And I've finally seen her true colours.
Well i've tested fire by hinting her that i might leave the company over lunch and her immediate action affirmed my answer. As little actions such as pushing me with more work to do made me found out that she treated me well because shez afraid that i will leave and she would have to handle all those workload..
(I wouldnt do that if i were her.. LOL)
But one thing for sure i've a bunch of really nice colleagues who treated me like their little brother :) Thank you peepz! For teaching me so much! But i guess this is it as i have to bid you peepz good bye.
This time around i am not gonna be so naive, to be tricked by any HR manager. And i seriously hated my current company's HR manager to the core as he didnt explain a single bit about the comm scheme and skipped that topic when i brought it up during interview. Also he didnt even highlight to me that as long as i am under probation, i would not receive any comm.
That freaking son of the gun!! Screw you! You Balding Piece of Shit!!
PS: Dear peepz as this blog of mine is private, do not post any comment to FB with regards to any info which i've shared..
Oh ya one more thing, i've went for an interview with another company and i might consider their offer. That is, if they meet my requirements :) .