Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Almost forgotten that i have a private place call COP.
2 more months till year end.

Was thinking pretty much lately, while nursing myself today. I've watch Good Company and one of the actor mentioned that Timing is everything. How often is that true? Being someone who had been through it myself, i dare say to a great extend, Timing is everything!!

When opportunity arises, grab hold of it and leave no rooms for regrets. It goes to the same for both career and relationship. Right now, i've none.. But i do believe that one day i'll be able to enjoy a great career and have a wonderful RS.

I'm gonna sign off with this song for you peepz

Nice song, enjoy it and i'll meet you Emo club peepz soon!!

Oh yes, to my bro JH do well in star search we know that you can do it!!
JIA YOU!! Also thank you Winsty for chilling out with me bro. You ROCKZ!!
Although i rock better~ LOL!!