Saturday, December 5, 2009
New hit from JJ's new album!
Was recommended by Jiggly Puff. NICE SONG!
Love the tune of it and most importantly the lyrics!
Thanks gal!
A very touching song as the lyrics was filled with emotional meanings.
Enough said~ Just listen to it and indugle peepz!
提供 再兴
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Oh well~ Didnt had the best thai clubbing experience tho~
It left me to ponder for quite awhile that is, how does a club manage to survive without a dance floor?!
I'll be bored to death if itz not for their projector screen showing live telecast
of Manutd match! LOL!
This mao mao song itz damn funny!
Enjoy peepz!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Not bad. Worth the price i suppose!
Bump into charlene while i was at orchard mrt station. LOL
2012 was good due to itz graphics and special effects, itz enough to blow you away!
Earth splitting, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis you name it they've all got it in that movie! LOL.
Total 4 out of 6 popcorn
Itz a nice show but didnt really hype me up compared to transformers and my all time favorite Lord of the Rings!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Insomnia again~ LOL
Hence thought of blogging and doing my WiL proj!
Alright! Think i shall spend my whole day alone outside.
Maybe catch a movie and spend the rest of the day at a cafe.
Sometimes when the same problem occur over and over again what would you do?
I'll try rectify it of course, but itz going to take sometime i guess.
Cause itz a problem which i, as a student cant solve and have to move on to my career path inorder to correct it. And i'll prevent this problem from occurring in the future. Well~ I've been brought up differently from others. As i have to fight for the things which i've wanted since sec school. Sometimes i really wonder, if my surname itz not 林 and itz 杨 instead would my life have a radical change? Would it be different of me being an eilte? Therez a story behind it which i have not told anyone. In short the 杨 side of the family are born elites of Singapore and every individuals are in the line of doctors or lawyers.
Then again if i'm not surname 林 i would not have been thru a system which i'm able to see the harsh reality of life and brought up as a fighter. Fighting for what i've believe in and always trying to remain in light of positivity
Another lighthearted song by 方炯鑌-回去吧
indulge in it peepz
PS: 找一个知自不是一件简单的事,还是相风一样独来独往.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
You cook yer own meal! Previously had Japanese meal and made our own sushi dinner.
Hence this time round my brother and i wanted try something else..
As usual this is what happen when my mum is out of town we cook~
Although itz kinda tedious to cook compared to having our lunch at a nearby coffee shop.
But itz really worth it~ Cause we had a really nice meal!
Learning to cook itz really important i guess, would be extremely useful if one gotten oversea attachment.
Oh well~
Removed excess fats, Marinated our own chicken, grilled it in the oven and our secret way of applying honey so that it wont taste bitter if you grill it in an oven!
Itz not our first time stepping into the kitchen hence itz really no surprise that we can cook..

Honey glazed chicken with tuna on the omelette(added alittle condense milk to our egg).
Marinated the chicken and grill it in the oven!
Afterwhich apply layers of honey and put it back into the oven 5 Mins before serving.
End taste? Fabulous! Look at the skin with excess honey on it!
Itz well done ok?!

Alright this is our Campbell corn soup nothing special~
but have added some fresh milk and scallop to it!
Sprinkled some scallop on top for our finishing touch.

Voila! ready to serve~
Our lunch for today!!
We'll try rosemary chicken next time or maybe orange favour dory fish~
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Nearer as each day passes.
Just cant wait for exams to be over!
So that i can graduate and achieve my dreams!
Some how i seriously think that i suck at reading a woman's signal..
Dont think too much LWY!!
LWY= confident in everything he does!
But sometimes my gfs kept asking me yer a nice guy neither a baddie.
Outgoing and those sort of guy that can be brought home to show a girl's parents!
But why are you single till now? HMMMMM~
My good gfs! How would i know?! LOL
Maybe you gals are just trying to be nice by stating those statement..
Parents going overseas during chinese new year with my didi. I'll be all alone for a week or two. :( SAD? Not~
That meanz i can do whatever thingz i want!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Maybe get myself a Shetland!
Cant wait to see the expression on my mum and dad's face! WAHAHAHAHA!!!
No more LWY where are you?! So late le still outside?! Hurry back home!
But i'm pretty sure that i'll miss my mum's cooking thatz for sure!
My didi! Letz go for Popeye when yer back from auz! And get me my nougatz~
This song is damn emo~ Itz nice too!! I'm soooo going to sing it during ktv!!
PS: Life suckz but itz how you paint it with colors to make it meaningful :)
More DIs and HD for this last sem pls!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Slept at 1+ woke up around 430. AM!! ARG!!!!!!!!!! Hate Insomnia!!!
Took my lappy to my bed, went to Manutd webby.
Guess what peepz?
Manutd had won their game against CSK Moscow! Hurray!
After which gotten some ice cream from my fridge and watched this Jap show called
Buzzer Beat recommended by M.J Aka Jiggly Puff!

Thumbs up for this drama. Worth the watch.
Buzzer Beat is about life as a basketball player and mostly romance..
I think the reason why most gals would like this show was because therez more romance scene than Basketball and of course to watch Shuai ge! (Correct me if i'm wrong Jiggly Puff! ) LOL
Coincidentally the lead actor Naoki, remindz me of my past in terms of that passion for Basketball, we even wore the same number 8 jersey! unfortunately my past love life was worst than Naoki's... And i wasn't as lucky as Naoki to have a gal to back me up.. Haha..
We share a common belief tho, which was to achieve our goals with our own hands!
And to fight our dreams together with the one and for the one we love. :)
PS: My jersey Number 8! ST PAT'S Vice Captain ;)

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Of course laz!
Message from Vice President of EMO CLUB Sang this song for EMO CLUB. Dedication to 2 person. (You peepz should know who you are) Emo with it and study hard for exams ya?!
Think the pic in this clip can be our Emoclub logo!! LOL!
PS: Peepz dont mistaken! I'm not the one emoing this time round! Cause nothing to emo about too..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Innocent moments
Herez 2 clip to share :)
This is my favourite!!! So innocent!!
And babies are like gals seeking attention from their love ones.
Cute i must say. LOL
PS: They are so adorable arint they?! Even if they throw tantrum at times they are still lovable! Precious to every parents. Love em!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Damn, hate it whenever i feel like sleeping but just cant sleep..
Anyway, decided to post this list up.
The kind of gal i'm looking for!
Haha, kinda random but i think everyone have a list of their own :)
Alright heres' mine:
1. No particular requirement in terms of look. Because beauty is in the eye of a beholder. I'm a simple guy hence itz more of chemistry that i'm look for as well as inner beauty. Presentable spells it all.
2. Someone who sharez the same dreams as i do. Someone who is willing to fight by my side. For a brighter and better future.
3. Cheerful, Understanding, Kind hearted, treasure family values and respect their parents. One would be able to see how good a person is by the way they treat their parents.
4. I'm not a materialistic person hence i would look for someone who is not materialistic as well. Cause i'm a believer of achieving my dreams with my own pair of hands. However such gals are going to extinct soon.. Letz just say i've yet to meet a gal who is not materialistic.
5. I like gals who cook! A real plus point for gals who cook. If she doesn't possess any culinary skills and willing to learn, itz a plus point as well. She can cook and i dont mind being the one to wash the dishes.
I think many mistaken that i'm those that would be looking for a super hot gf or whatever. But the fact is i'm not superficial, i'm looking for a soulmate someone whom i can share my everything with. Someone whom i can fight my dreams for.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Val's Bday @ Arranda
Had a fun night meeting council peepz! What can i say? SRians= ZHAI!!

Pamy and her Buddda palm!

Pic with serena! Shez got double chin!! HAHAHA!!!
Damn my eyes arint opening! Too much books i guess~

A proper pic. LOL

Emo pic! Look at the differences between Emo club poses and others.
Emo club poses are so Emo, the rest? CMI! Lol! Jking!
Courtesy of JH, Winsty and LWY!

Nice!! We looked like a bunch of kidz! LOL

LOL!! Winsty! Dont grab what you see can?! LOL

Jerome, Winsty, Moi and JH!
Too bad our chili padi and ryan cant make it for the val's bday
if not we would have an almost complete squad!
Itz a small gathering for us, down to our usual chit chatting and emo singing.
I'm gonna miss those days man~ This would be my last sem as a student and most of us would be busy with our lifez. I'm gonna miss you peepz!!
Never the less!! We will still have our gathering! Such as KTV, chill out at pubs or cafe and our dinner!!
My groupies:
SUX it 6
EMO Club
PS: I'm gonna miss all of you!
And thank you peepz for making my Uni life a vibrant and zealous one. Cheerz matez :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Herez 2 songs resung by 方大同. One of my favorite singer cum composer. Hez a real talent! I've picked these 2 songs because itz really meaningful. Enjoy :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
那不是恋爱不是爱情 那只是没有爱的交易
當你靠近一人﹐ 那種心跳加速﹐害羞的感覺
和她一起过渡每一刻 只有属于彼此的天地
not even a grain of sand would fit in,
because all that we can see would be one
My Dreams: Career,Ice-cream and My Queen 我的女王
PS: 因为妳值得被珍心对待
using 珍 for a reason.
I'll find you someday =)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1) I might look serious with a face that doesn't show laughter. However friends who really knowz me would know that i'm serious when it comez to work, as well as crazy and fun loving when itz comez to play. When i laugh itz really loud!
2) I like to tease my close friends. Oh Come on! Whatz life without a little teaser? Right?
3) I'm a direct person. I prefer to be direct than to beat around the brush. I mean whatz with beating around the brush? If you like something or someone just like it, if you dont just tell em off.. Sure you didnt want to "hurt" that particular person. But think of it this way, when yer trueful to em they would appreciate it.
4) I prefer to be independent rather than to rely on others. Therefore i tend to do things alone(e.g work or watching movie alone). But that doesn't mean i'm not well verse in teamwork. In fact i am. Lol.
5) When i'm serious or focusing on somethings i dont like to be distracted. For example during revision period. Also i'm an ambitious person, i'll fight for my dreams at all cost with my own pair of hands.
6) Many might see me as someone who really carez about diet. But the fact is... I LOVE GOOD FOOD! Just that i regulate what i eat, extract fats from meats and try to reduce sodium intake. Thatz all. Not as bad as what you peepz think laz!
7) Hitting the gym would be one of my favorite hobbies. Gym and Run for 45mins. My personal favorite!
8) I've been hurt upteen times hence my view on women would take me quite some time to recover. Letz just say, that i have yet to meet a gal who can change or rather convince me.
9) I've long pass the age of clubbing, thus i prefer to chill out with friends at cafe, pubbing and KTV-ing.
10) I dont flare up easily. If i do, that meanz you've really pissed me off! When i get pissed dont say words such as sorry asap. Just leave me alone and talk to me after i've cooled down.
Received tons of birthday wishes from my friends!
Thanks peepz! For all those birthday wishes! Appreciate it!
Not to forget my EMOclub members!
Winsty, JH, Jerome, Ryan and Lynn! For singing Birthday songs to me in Zirca! LOL
Received quite a number of gifts as well
Gym bench
Manchester United Jersey
Ipod Nano
A day of sumptuous lunch and dinner
Thanks sux it 6( JX, Dan, Budi, Geraldine Lim Wee Kheng and Sin ee)! We ROCKZ!
Special thanks to Aunt Judy for holding my belated birthday celebration and Ipod gift. Love you to the core A.J!!!
Not forgetting my Parents, My brother Eiran, Merf, Erika and Kylie :)
Made my day, yes! All of you did!!
PS: Even though shez didnt care about me even though shez is too stringy to even remember or text me a simple happy birthday. It doesnt matter anymore. Cause i'm tired and really burn out from all those needless motion.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Itacho sushi plus Shoe Spree
Herez the fun part matez~
Itacho Sushi at Ion was one of the best sushi restaurant in Singapore!
Yes, i kid you not. Their prices are relatively stiff compared to Sushi Tei and etc..
However if you were to compare to those high class Japanese restaurant their price would be cheaper by a dozen.
For instant their urchin sushi cost around $6 per piece. Expensive? Subjective arint it?
As those high class Japanese restaurant would charge it at $22 per piece!
Well, i would only recommend their sushi especially their sashimi, roasted or normal sushi. Urchin sushi was one of their specialty hence itz a must to try.
DIE DIE also must try laz!!
Must be wondering how many sushies we had ordered? Very many. Indeed. Especially when there are 6 of us , 3 of which are super eaters?!
Sorry matez, as I didnt take down any pictures, cause we were to busy with our eating! LOL
But itz really worth the price you will be paying for.
After our lunch i have to bid farewell to em as i've headed home to rush my projz, while they continued to shop and went to NYDC for desserts.
DAMN! Student life really suckz!
Never mind that, cause i'm graduating end of this year! Last sem!
Hoist the colour! All the way!
Shoe spree at Royal Sporting House!

Was having our family lunch and our random eiran wantz to pay RSH a visit to look for his shoes. Thus we head down to the nearest RSH.
Guess what?
We've bought 3 pairs of Vans & a Puma sneakers not forgetting my Reebok soccer shoe at the price of $140 only!! ITZ DAMN CHEAP!! If only they are having discount for tennis racquetzzzzzzzz.. LOL.
Oh well~ Itz still a cheap and good buy tho. Hahaha!
Thank you for always supporting me. Without those support my life would not be as colourful. Special thanks to My MUM, DAD, Aunt Judy, Merf, Mah Mah, Granny and my didi EIRAN! Not forgetting my Broz and GFs!
Ps: Life suckz, but itz how you manage to paint it with colours to make it meaningful.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Especially when one tried so hard and puts in effort whereby no effort can be felt from the other party.
What more would be a better solution than to alight that bus?
Maybe thatz the differences between mars and venus.
Different in thinking rational.
Just giving my 2 cents worth..
PS: In the name of love there isn't any right or wrong only Love or Don't love
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My Love Will Get You Home
Alright peepz this is a song which
i think most women would like it.
So enjoy :)
In the mist of writing a new song, this time round my tune would be out too. Hahaha
Looking forward to itz birth.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Singaporean PKing in Xin guang da dao
Cai Aijia really do us Singaporeans proud!
Scoring 25 points in xin guang da dao!!
How many competitors can actually score full marks?!
Go Aijia! DO US PROUD!!
Alright! Look at the clip and yer know that shez that damn good!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Herez 2 songs from her album. Nice!!
Her vocal is damn unique and the lyrics are meaningful too.
偏愛 was written by fang wen shan!! (No wonder this song rock)
Going to sing her songz in ktv soon!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Alright, this is just a random post and generalising all women.( I'm talking about women who wants to get married at their mid twenties or later..) Cause I've heard and seen my girl friends whining about pursuit of happiness and sorts of things about all the good guys are dead.. Lol. Well, I'm seeing it in a different perspective.. Good guys are not dead just that you ladies choose not to be with em..
Sometimes there are just certain things that a guy can never understand about women.
Well.. They can be with someone and doesn't think of that guy of theirs as their potential future husband kind of mindset.
What I'm trying to put across was, why be with someone when you(women) dint even have the intention of wanting to marry him? I mean isn't it a waste of time? To be in an RS and end up having to hurt the other party and themselves(women), when they hesitated before proceeding with a break up? Which they(women) know from the beginning that, that guy isn't the one that they will want to get married to.
And you call that pursuit of happiness? Not quite my friends...
不在乎天长地久只在乎曾经拥有 this is BS.. If you don't even want to be with someone for long that is possessing for the sake of it, because yer afraid of being lonely or whatever reasons behind it, which have got nothing to do with love. Sure there isn't any wrong in testing out a RS with someone whom you like, but bare this in mind. If you think that person is not your potential husband material from the start, don't bother to waste his and yer time. How many years can you waste by going through those cycle over and over again? Ending up with regrets for having to give your potential person a miss or even regret for not choosing that particular guy as yours truly?
Just reject and wait for that someone correct to appear like some of my GFs did.. That my friend is pursuit of happiness..
PS: Every RS can be written into a love story with a happy ending. When one understand that there is no prefect relationship only then, would one be able to attain a RS that they deem ideal.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A tribute to Michael Jackson
A tribute to MJ my childhood idol. The person who inspired me with his music, his dance and the one who lifted the racist barrier in this music industry. Still remember those good old days in primary 2. Whereby my reward for doing well in my exams was a walkman that i could play game with and of course, MJ's greatest compilations songs in 2 cassettes which comes with his poster as well! That was one of the best present i had ever received from dad.
And my favorite song from his album was this song "You are not alone".
Ps: MJ i hope you would find peace in your Neverland world. You will always be remembered as Michael Jackson the King of pop. RIP Michael
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hopefully you would not be revolving in circles and live in a life of bliss.
Ps: 我会装着不露痕迹的因为那是我对你最后的风度.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Could it be any harder- The calling
Could It Be Any Harder lyrics
You left me with goodbye and open arms
A cut so deep I don't deserve
You were always invincible in my eyes
the only thing against us now is time
Could it be any harder to say goodbye and without you,
Could it be any harder to watch you go, to face what's true
If I only had one more day
I lie down and blind myself with laughter
A quick fix of hope is what I'm needing
And now i wish that i could turn back the hours
But i know i just don't have the power
I'd jump at the chance
We'd drink and we'd dance
And I'd listen close to your every word,
As if its your last, I know its your last,
Cause today, oh, you're gone
Like sand on my feet
The smell of sweet perfume
You stick to me forever,baby
and I wish you didn't go,
I wish you didn't go
I wish you didn't go away
To touch you again,
With life in your hands
It couldn't be any harder
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Transformers 2
Alright. Went to catch transformers 2 alone today. Somehow i've gotten used to catch movies alone these days, and i'm very sure that i'll be catching most of the movies alone as well in the near future..
Transformers 2
Itz an awesome movie.
-Good CG
-Action pack from beginning till the end
-Good Ending
-Good Plot
(A few surprises here and there especially when the twins tried to take down that mammoth and needless to say useless Devastator)
Everything in this movie is AWESOME and Hilarious!!
Better than Transformers 1 i would say..
The show started with Sam Witwicky as well as Megan Fox's sexy pose on the bike..
(After all those critics about her being a tranny i still think that shez HOT!)
Moving on, watch out for the twins and bumble bee as they are really funny esp the twins! LOL. This time around the Auto-bots are meaner and pack some punches than previous installation.
Also, the "FALLEN" is a surprise only those who had watched it would understand what/who is that "FALLEN"
Well as usual SG have this habit of cutting films..
The only disappointment would be those cutted scenes that wasn't being flash..
That spoilt the show.. (Stop cutting those scenes you MOFO!!)
Nevertheless rating for Transformers 2?
4.5 out of 5 Popcorn
Worth every penny to watch it on the big screen!
Ps: It takes two hand to clap. That day would never come, cause you didn't want to put in any effort. Even if you had put in some do you think that would be enough to make any changes?
Once you've set your mind to do something no matter what you would get it done.. Unless you didn't want to..
Friday, June 19, 2009
Was yearning for some action when i'm out of army for a long time..
As expected this ICT was all about outfield and missions..
To recap what we had done previously..
Good to see my old palz from my old unit!!
Overall itz fun! Was suppose to get the Best soldier award because, i was the one who led the platoon to clear an objective within 7 minutes!!
But someone gotten the credit instead hence prising that award away..
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mah mah & Ran get well soon!
Next my beloved fatty brother too, was admitted to hospital for some reason(private reason). He too, had his operation at CGH and now i'll have to send him to polyclinic to wash his wound every morning accept for sunday.
Ever had this feeling of being frozen in time? Its as though everything seems to have stopped for a moment leaving you with ample space to take a breather. Been going for some run recently and running in the rain would be the only way to make me feel better.
Especially with each droplets hitting on your skin, trying to freshen you up. Somehow its so tempting that you would just keep running even though your legs couldn't carry on, even if your lungs are about to burst, such things would only force one to run faster as though you have a last plane to catch.
However after the run, after your shower those problems would still linger around.
Thats when i know that running away from problems wouldn't resolve anything.
Someone once told me that "天不动 地动 地不动 人动" the world still need to revolve.
So i've set a date for myself.
PS: Just so you know. Your presence means so much..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
After a few weeks of hard work..
So much things need to be done during this holiday..
So much dreams need to be chased..
One step at a time i guess..
PS: Never giving up is what she always believe in. Thanks mummy! For believing in me :) I've got a hot mama!! LOL
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Whatz wrong with this semester?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything seemz to be going haywire..
This is the first time in my degree life that
my grades are so damn lousy!!
CR and PA all mixed up in a damn mess!!
So what if i've gotten di for finance? Itz a low di!!
For the first time i've gotten a pa.. A PA!!!
Nothing seemz to be going smoothly in my academic and personal life, and everything seemz to be going haywire this time round.. This sort of feeling arint good at all..
I felt like a complete idiot and loser for not living up to expectations.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Quiz on women.
Hence i took a test from facebook on "How well do you know women?" and the results?
Your Result: Excellent!! (100%)
You've Got to be Kidding Me!! Either you're an expert on the field of Women, or you've cheated!! Or else, you might just be a women who has taken the quiz to see if it's really authentic! Whatever it is, Congratulations.... You're an Expert on the most difficult topic on earth.... Women!!
Hahaha... Me? Guru on woman? Lol. Not exactly..
Cause sometimes when you know them inside out they'll get freaked out.
And its quite an agony to know whatz going on in their mind but you cant highlight it out to emm..
Cause they prefer to have someone listening, than someone who gives them advice..
When they wanted advice they would ask for one..
PS: Bottom line would be, Care & Attention these are vital things that they need from man. Just giving my 2 cents worth..
Smoothing song..
Indulge in it peepz..
PS: The truth, that is... Everyone have their limits. So do i..
Friday, April 10, 2009
What does your birthday says about you?

Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic.
Hmmm... Accurate? :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Confuse so it seems..
Perhaps it's just the pouring rain.
Perhaps i'm just thinking too much..
Relentless waves like a sting of the sea, hitting on lone vessel
with each thump causing swerves and tilts.
PS: For the first time.. I'm lost..
Sunday, April 5, 2009
王力宏- Everything
Going to master this song so that i can sing it to my future GF.
Hmmm.. Wonder whos that lucky gal! Hahaha!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Twirling winds that chill every single soul.
A gentle til upon the sky, dark it seems, lonesome perhaps..
Yet lights that shimmer in twinkle bedazzled all thats' left of you...
Ps: Misses..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mahmah's birthday
Held her celebration at Lai Hwa (her all time favorite restaurant).
Its a night where our family gather with lots of laughter, atmospheric cheers and most importantly serenading ourselves in blissful joy.
Dedication to Mah mah: Happy 70th birthday!!
Wishing you with a strong & healthy body!!
Radiant youth & everlasting vitality!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thou who often have such mixed emotion..
Take a look at this clip.. And you will know that all is not lost..
Sure you can whine about all those stuff till the rain don't shine.
That too, is a way of release. The main thing is to remain positive.
Life is a race. Those who treasure it would know what it feels' like to enjoy it. Even if thou are having difficulties, think about your loved ones.
They are the priority that is willing to go through everything with you.
If they don't? Then what are they? Just a waste of time?
What would you do?
Continue to waste your precious moments on them?
Or would you rather enjoy every drop of meaningful moments with those that truly care?
My answer? The latter one.. Without a slightest doubt.
Inspired by that clip.
Totally touched..
Dedication to : Mum & Dad thank you for always being so supportive!!
PS: Live life to the fullest.
Cleared posts
Hence some of em had been cleared.
PS: Doing things you like and doing things for the sake of doing.
My No: 1 choice.. Doing things that i like.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Russian food...
I can be a real baddie or be really nice.
Often, judgement was made by people before knowing what i am capable of.
Well.. What can i say?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Anyway had Russian food with Aunt Judy.
At Shaslik.
Itz a restaurant that serve Russian base food.
Their specialty would be Shaslik steak.
Itz serve on hot plate without any gravy with Russian style salad.
Haad their soup as well. Itz a big bowl tho. Kinda sour but tastes good. LOL
Salty was the only word, mention through my expression. It seemz as though they had soaked a slice of papaya in salt solution! And their salad tasted some what like mongolian veg. Salty~
Aunt went for their specialty while i had Shaslik pork.
Itz quite tasty. But the portion was kinda small for a guy like me.
But overall experience was quite good.
If you peepz want to visit Shaslik just give em a ring and make reservation as they do not entertain walk-in.
Dedication. Hope that you would feel better after this song :)
PS: Inner peace is the utopia of freedom & happiness.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Blacklights @ Zouk RMIT Bash
Itz a dance performance for RMIT bash @ ZOUK 2008
Should have posted this long ago but was busy with sch and etc..
hence forgotten about it. hahaha..
Wherez ELVIN?!
Itz damn obvious where i'm at!! (Cause therez only 2 guys?! hahaha)
Hmmm.. We had rather short time to practice this dance but we managed to pull thru..
Kudos to all!!
The moves might look simple but itz quite tedious as we have to practice almost everyday.
Be it in the studio or at home. Hence credits to all our efforts!!
(and i have to keep watching those MTV clips of rain and etc to catch that style)
(Did not manage to hit those breaking moves properly like i did during practice.)
But overall wasn't bad, Cause the team did well :)
PS: Somehow or rather it Numbz like a cornered stone..
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Movie red cliff 2
The show start around 5.30pm.
Hence i reached PS around 5, bought the tickets and went around those cd shops
to look for alan luo's album and jay chou's capricorn limited edition album (the one with calender).
Went around PS but they didnt have both albums. After which, had my late lunch at BK.. Lunch seemz ok. Didnt have that for quite sometime hence got to eat that! Hahaha. Was thinking of jap food at sakae at first.. But been having jap food recently therefore i decided to give it a skip.

This is the pic of the ticket. Will keep it in my box. Lol....
P-01 happen to be the top left most corner of the seat? Itz a lone seat. HA HA..
Yes.... I went to catch it alone... Haha..
Even if it is raining i'll just dance in the rain...
That show wasn't bad 8 popcorn out of 10. Cause i'm a fan of Romance of the Three kingdom?
Well~ That show is worth the watch.. But there has been some alteration to the story line
Which is kinda disappointing tho..
As there should be a character name pang tong whom intelligence is comparable to zhu ge liang. He is the one that tricked cao cao into chaining his navy fleet. But they decided to alter that and etc.. As well as other part as well...
But looking at that show as an overall itz quite good.
In terms of plot and action as well as romance wise. Worth the catch i say..
After the show i went over sembawang cd shop to look for my albums but to my dismay they had sold out on both..
Sudden thought of the cathay hence went over there to try my luck.
Searched the whole of gramophone cd shop and only managed to buy alan luo's album( last one)..
If any of you peepz chance upon jay's limited ed capricorn album with the calender kindly inform me!!!
PS: Feelings is what.. We have..
Somehow you always have a special place..
Monday, January 26, 2009
New song from alan luo's album( lotz of nice songz)
Lotz of nice songz in this album.
This is the song which would be played whenever
元大鷹 is feeling emo ( during HotShot)
To my aunt who is watching over us, may you bring bless our family with a blissful life and continue to watch over Mer & Erica. You are always in our heart :)
To my Kong kong bless all of us!! May you relish your dreams of travelling around the world. And kindly bless mummy and daddy with good luck( strike more 4D) and health! LOL
Of course how could i forget about my Broz and Gfs! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all my broz and gfs!!
May this year be a prosperous one for all of you and may all of you achieve what you want and excel in things that you are doing!
Herez a toast Cheerz!
Couple of days back went shopping with aunt judy and gotten those food for our reunion dinner. Shopped from taka cold storage till isetan. And the cost of our food?? Around 400++
Hence our dinner was pretty good i say.. LOL
Was pretty worth it with so much seafood and ya.. itz the usual steamboat dinner whereby aunties; uncles along with my granny and grandad would conduct their casual chats. Hence after dinner we had some desert like cakes and chestnut jelly.
Oh well~ Hope i could grad asap from RMIT so that i could go and have a look at Boston. Boston would be an if.. If certain things happen..
I would not dwell so much into that for now..
30th June 09.. Till then..
To Shan may you achieve what you dream of and stay cheerful everyday every min every sec.
Light your life with full of vibe. =)
PS: Live life to the fullest! *Pro tes qui vui*
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Running around~
Met up with Bryan and went gift hunting for his gf's bday gift.
Practically shopped around those shopping centres from The Cathay to PS to Taka and Wisma.
Well~ Bryan said that he is going to get an en-crave pendant for da sao hence we went over to this shop selling sliver accessories in The Cathay. Happen to come across this man-made diamond that would show words e.g forever, love or name of that person.
Interesting i would say.
But when Bryan took a look at that pendant it doesnt show any word!!
After which guess what the shop assistant took out?!
A magnifying glass -_-"
We almost bust into laughter but held our stand so that the assistant wont look bad in front of other customers. LOL!
Once we walk out of the plaza we joke about how his gf is going to show that pendant to her friends if bryan bought it.
Herez the joke
Da Sao: See this this is my bday gift! Therez word in it!
Her frd: Is it?! Thatz something new.. Wherez the word? Can i see?
Da Sao: Neh.. Can see? It spelt "Forever"
Her frd: Huh??? Cant see any word... Are you sure??
Da Sao: (Took out a magnifying glass) Can see can see??
Her frd: Oooo... No... Cant see... Hey wait i think i can see that word! Forever right?!
Duh~ Didnt Da Sao told you itz "Forever" from the beginning?!!
Dont be angry Daosao! Itz just a joke!! lol
Afterwhich i suggested to bryan that he can try Goldheart jewellery as i've the discount card. Hence we shop around Taka, PS and Wisa...
Fastforward to Wisa part. We shopped around SK, Citigems and Goldheart. End up my bro bought a bracelet for his gal at Goldheart.
Guess the total discount? 40%!!
LOL! That gift is so much better than that pendant which cant see shit... Wahahaha!!
PS: Hope 54-7426 would recover asap. Get well soon =)
If only there is something that i can do to make you feel better..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
After such a weird week? Haha..
Hit the gym & sauna felt great.
Bump into Anne while on my way there.
Think she went for a swim? Cause her hair happen to be kinda damp. LOL
So many things needed to be done, too much needed to be achieved.
Gotten my book!! Reading it now and i'm going to study and analyse the market. Preparing for the next cycle to come so that i can seize whatever i want!!
Whatever it is once my mind is set i'll go all out no matter what.
Cause i didnt want to look back and regret what i didnt choose to do.
And Dan!! Yer be having yer test at 2pm! All the best bro!!
You can do it if you believe!! Never give up!!
PS: Let the rain fall and i'll just dance in the rain. Think Big Dream big.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I dont mean it.. and thanks
I'm sorry for not being enthu in my reply.
Really sorry about it...
Itz just that I'm sort of blinded.
Thanks for all those concern.. I'm ok haha..
Anyway I'm really that glad some of you had found that correct person :)
Cheerz my friends.
To my broz & gfz too for accompanying and encouraging me.
Bryan, Dan, Winston, Jin hao, Lynn and of course Sherz thankz Gfz & Broz !!
PS: At the end of the day... Whatz most important would be.. Never live to regret.
Whatz that taste?
I had forgotten it.. Sometimes things get so...
So lost in words...
Just didnt know why am i so lost for this week.
Even when i'm playing Bball with dan and his friends.
Really got to thank my bro dan, for sending me home
all the time after our bball game. THANKS BRO!!
Dedication to 54-7426:
When thingz didnt met what you expect it to be.
Never give up =)
You are just a few steps from achieving what you want.
You can do it!
PS: In my arms you will never have to worry about anything. For, i'll cast away your worries and doubts. Hope you know..
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thanks BRO!!
First of all i would like to thanks DAN my Bro for accompanying me to
get this lappy if itz not for him i wont be able to get such good deal!!
I'm lucky to have my broz helping me everytime i need them!
Broz for life! Letz not forget my gfs as well. LOL
Great spec & good lobang thanks bro!!!
Ps: 有了兄弟和妹绝对无敌!!! Cheerz Broz and Gfs! Glad to have you peepz in my life :) Appreciate everything you peepz did!! You peepz ROCK!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Beat & Battered
May this year be a fruitful one for all of us. :)
To Bryan my best friend. CONGRATZ bro! After 1.5 years shez finally yours!! Although your journey is a rough one but I'm so glad that you pulled thru!!!
Da sao remember to discipline him when he get out of hand! Like teasing me till i can barely breath?
Anyway i wish that both of you would have a blissful RS and let me be yer groom mate when you both get married in the future!!! Cheers bro.
What if you are hanging in the mid of the air?
Would you choose to go up? Or go down?
What if you cant go up or down?
But one thing for sure there isn't any right or wrong. Just confusion and avoidance.
Confusion in where we want to go and avoidance to face the truth.
New sem coming right up but I'm beat & battered right now. Sort of burnout from all things. I need a real booster to carry on. At the end of the day our fate lies in our hands. Heavy it seemz. But sometimes you would rather shoulder everything then to see sufferings occurring on her.
Ps: Itz all in the mist of confusion.
Never the less she's worth everything. I hope you know that :)