Sunday, August 2, 2009

First of all to my bro Bryan, don't give up on all hope cause it arint all over for you yet bro! But bare in mind and think of what you want as well as yer future with her before deciding. Why let her choose when you can be the decision maker too? Equality bro..

Alright, this is just a random post and generalising all women.( I'm talking about women who wants to get married at their mid twenties or later..) Cause I've heard and seen my girl friends whining about pursuit of happiness and sorts of things about all the good guys are dead.. Lol. Well, I'm seeing it in a different perspective.. Good guys are not dead just that you ladies choose not to be with em..

Sometimes there are just certain things that a guy can never understand about women.
Well.. They can be with someone and doesn't think of that guy of theirs as their potential future husband kind of mindset.
What I'm trying to put across was, why be with someone when you(women) dint even have the intention of wanting to marry him? I mean isn't it a waste of time? To be in an RS and end up having to hurt the other party and themselves(women), when they hesitated before proceeding with a break up? Which they(women) know from the beginning that, that guy isn't the one that they will want to get married to.
And you call that pursuit of happiness? Not quite my friends...

不在乎天长地久只在乎曾经拥有 this is BS.. If you don't even want to be with someone for long that is possessing for the sake of it, because yer afraid of being lonely or whatever reasons behind it, which have got nothing to do with love. Sure there isn't any wrong in testing out a RS with someone whom you like, but bare this in mind. If you think that person is not your potential husband material from the start, don't bother to waste his and yer time. How many years can you waste by going through those cycle over and over again? Ending up with regrets for having to give your potential person a miss or even regret for not choosing that particular guy as yours truly?

Just reject and wait for that someone correct to appear like some of my GFs did.. That my friend is pursuit of happiness..

PS: Every RS can be written into a love story with a happy ending. When one understand that there is no prefect relationship only then, would one be able to attain a RS that they deem ideal.

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