Almost forgotten that i have a private place call COP.
2 more months till year end.
Was thinking pretty much lately, while nursing myself today. I've watch Good Company and one of the actor mentioned that Timing is everything. How often is that true? Being someone who had been through it myself, i dare say to a great extend, Timing is everything!!
When opportunity arises, grab hold of it and leave no rooms for regrets. It goes to the same for both career and relationship. Right now, i've none.. But i do believe that one day i'll be able to enjoy a great career and have a wonderful RS.
I'm gonna sign off with this song for you peepz
Nice song, enjoy it and i'll meet you Emo club peepz soon!!
Oh yes, to my bro JH do well in star search we know that you can do it!!
JIA YOU!! Also thank you Winsty for chilling out with me bro. You ROCKZ!!
Although i rock better~ LOL!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Finally i've gotten back from reservist!! Woohoo!!
Was a fuck up yet fun ICT, fun mainly because of my friends esp when we're on mission had hella time out in tekong.
Nothing much to update, but i might need to go for sniper course for my next in camp ICT. Looking forward to it.. Met up with Bryan as usual, went for our lunner(lunch + dinner)and catched the predator movie. Nothing special with regards to that movie, not a bad movie overall.
For the first time i've noticed that, i do have the ability to attract chicks!
or maybe i didn't bother to take note of that previously i guess.
Never the less. I do attract gals who are hot! (*proud proud*)
Was a fuck up yet fun ICT, fun mainly because of my friends esp when we're on mission had hella time out in tekong.
Nothing much to update, but i might need to go for sniper course for my next in camp ICT. Looking forward to it.. Met up with Bryan as usual, went for our lunner(lunch + dinner)and catched the predator movie. Nothing special with regards to that movie, not a bad movie overall.
For the first time i've noticed that, i do have the ability to attract chicks!
or maybe i didn't bother to take note of that previously i guess.
Never the less. I do attract gals who are hot! (*proud proud*)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Itz been emotional for the past few weeks.
Yesterday was non exceptional as well, was suppose to be a night of fun and laughter with the gals.
Sad to say, that was not the case. However i think it was a good progress. Why? Because i've been hiding my emotions behind every laughter for a long time..
Trust me, thou wouldn't like using laughter as a cover...
Since i've decided to move you out i will clear up the space and stop myself from revolving in circle. I'll get better as time passes by.
Ps: I've tried and given what i can, and i've learnt my lesson. Taken for granted would never ever appear in my dictionary. This is a promise to myself.
Yesterday was non exceptional as well, was suppose to be a night of fun and laughter with the gals.
Sad to say, that was not the case. However i think it was a good progress. Why? Because i've been hiding my emotions behind every laughter for a long time..
Trust me, thou wouldn't like using laughter as a cover...
Since i've decided to move you out i will clear up the space and stop myself from revolving in circle. I'll get better as time passes by.
Ps: I've tried and given what i can, and i've learnt my lesson. Taken for granted would never ever appear in my dictionary. This is a promise to myself.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
I used to think that giving up on a forest for a tree is what one would proclaim as sincere towards someone.. But i guess this theory is no longer true. Not in our era i suppose. Well, fashion would get outdated let alone theories. Hence my friends,
Girls won't appreciate what you had done. In fact they would find that you are a nuisance. Soon you find pharses like "he just dont get it" buzzing around you :)
Reality check Mate.
Well, things are different if she loves you. But, when girls are at their prime, you won't get to meet one who is willing to give in her all..
More taking and less giving is what they know.
PS:不要为了一棵树 而放弃整个森林
Unless she loves you as much as you love her.
Girls won't appreciate what you had done. In fact they would find that you are a nuisance. Soon you find pharses like "he just dont get it" buzzing around you :)
Reality check Mate.
Well, things are different if she loves you. But, when girls are at their prime, you won't get to meet one who is willing to give in her all..
More taking and less giving is what they know.
PS:不要为了一棵树 而放弃整个森林
Unless she loves you as much as you love her.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Not a bad song i suppose~ LOL!
Everytime i close my eyes, i see myself hanging lifeless.. Without vibe..
The thought of flying oversea and land myself a job be it States or Auz would often come as impulse yet yearning decision. Yes.. Even thoughts of signing on as a pilot cross my mind after all, its not a bad idea to fly around and start off with a high wage job arin't it?
May be i'm just tired or rather i'm sick of being stagnant in a country where i'll have to wait, to be at my prime when i reach the age of 30s.. It really sucks big time with all the waiting and all.. But one thing for sure, i'll go for my masters in 5 years time and i'll have my sights set on being a part time lecturer.
Uni of Melbourne or Uni of Boston either or i suppose..
However if i've any commitment to be made( as if i'll have it!) sticking to NUS master with MIT doesn't sound a tad too bad. I guess..
PS:赚钱无罪 贪钱不对, 聪明无罪 看不起人不对, 骄傲无罪 没礼貌不对, 不珍惜无罪 犯贱不对..
A step closer in convincing myself that love doesn't exist.. Its similar to a warm water bag, once you need it yer just hug it. But when yer warm enough yer just chuck it aside. Such is the theory of something called love..
Saturday, May 8, 2010
How long had it been since we had last heard a wonderful singaporean production?
Her new album is one which we should support. Guo mei mei! You Rockz!
Went prawning with my colleagues, had a great time with the lovely ladies and yup yup! They are really nice and mostly importantly!!! Able to tolerate my Nonsense!!
LOL! You gals rockz!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Proposal done, Signed Sealed Delivered!!
Thatz what i had done during my first week with citrus.
Intend to stay with this coy for a year plus to learn all that i can.
Well i will be learning for all aspects from operation to marketing & sales.
After which i will look for career advancement opportunities :)
Received a call from my ex colleague who left ECS before i do,and he asked if i had found a job? If i haven, he wanted to pull me to the coy which he is working at. Thanks bro!!
Sometimes i felt that i am really lucky to have met certain people in my life.
Because, i know that they really care and treat each other sincerely.
I'm sure everybody had a plan for their future.
Whatz mine?
That would be to achieve my CIML Plan.
CIML= Career, Investment, Masters and Lecturer.
I'm seriously against people who gamble, and investment is not gambling when you know how to manage your portfolio which was why i took up Finance as my minor during my degree with RMIT. If one want to invest thou should NEVER take up any form of loan
There are many things in life which we cant rush.
Namely career & relationship.
To achieve those one would always need to take One step at a time, walking at a constant rate steadily
Instead of looking for just a relationship, i am looking forward more to, having a family rather than just another gf. :)
PS: Hearts are not to be had as a gift, hearts are to be earned. W.B. Yeats
Thatz what i had done during my first week with citrus.
Intend to stay with this coy for a year plus to learn all that i can.
Well i will be learning for all aspects from operation to marketing & sales.
After which i will look for career advancement opportunities :)
Received a call from my ex colleague who left ECS before i do,and he asked if i had found a job? If i haven, he wanted to pull me to the coy which he is working at. Thanks bro!!
Sometimes i felt that i am really lucky to have met certain people in my life.
Because, i know that they really care and treat each other sincerely.
I'm sure everybody had a plan for their future.
Whatz mine?
That would be to achieve my CIML Plan.
CIML= Career, Investment, Masters and Lecturer.
I'm seriously against people who gamble, and investment is not gambling when you know how to manage your portfolio which was why i took up Finance as my minor during my degree with RMIT. If one want to invest thou should NEVER take up any form of loan
There are many things in life which we cant rush.
Namely career & relationship.
To achieve those one would always need to take One step at a time, walking at a constant rate steadily
Instead of looking for just a relationship, i am looking forward more to, having a family rather than just another gf. :)
PS: Hearts are not to be had as a gift, hearts are to be earned. W.B. Yeats
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Gotten a job as a marketing executive with an events company!! Hooya!
Although the pay is rather mediocre within the range of what average fresh grad would be having. However i'm looking forward to learn and working hard for this job cause, after probation there would be pay increment! ( At least something compared to previous half a mil shitty coy~) LOL!
PS: Sherz! Once again thank you!!
Although the pay is rather mediocre within the range of what average fresh grad would be having. However i'm looking forward to learn and working hard for this job cause, after probation there would be pay increment! ( At least something compared to previous half a mil shitty coy~) LOL!
PS: Sherz! Once again thank you!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whenever i am feeling down i will always head down to my hideout at Lights.
It is a place where i could calm myself down..
Never have i brought anyone there, but someday i believe that i would be able to share this world with my special someone.
It is a place where one could find peace and serenity.
A simple glance thou would be able to see batam and the street lights of spore..
You can always feel that everything is beneath you, with the gentle breeze touching your face,
It is a place where i could calm myself down..
Never have i brought anyone there, but someday i believe that i would be able to share this world with my special someone.
It is a place where one could find peace and serenity.
A simple glance thou would be able to see batam and the street lights of spore..
You can always feel that everything is beneath you, with the gentle breeze touching your face,
it is only then, i've no worries, nothing to think of and just my redwine to spend the night with.
Thanks Sherz, for always being there for me.
Not forgetting Lynn, Winston and JH too, i know you peepz will always extend yer hands for me. Glad to have you peepz, Bro and sis for life!
Of course bryan my bestie, thanks for your lecturing and always trying to crack jokes to cheer me up whenever i'm down.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Went to catch Clash of Titans. Dont get me wrong, i'm not a loner. I've got ppl asking me to watch it with em.. Not that i want to play hard or something cause i've got nothing to play hard in the first place..
But lets just put it this way, I prefer to do things alone at times. Not a bad movie, as the actions and CG is worth the catch. But somehow the storyline isn't as overwhelming as movies such as Spartans or even Percy Jackson and the lighting theft.
Hence 4.5 out of6 popcorns
But lets just put it this way, I prefer to do things alone at times. Not a bad movie, as the actions and CG is worth the catch. But somehow the storyline isn't as overwhelming as movies such as Spartans or even Percy Jackson and the lighting theft.
Hence 4.5 out of6 popcorns
Dont mean anything, but I really like the pictures in this clip.
Let today be the day, Tonight be the night. If one have a dream to catch, let there be no delay, no excuses and nothing to stop.
PS:Rain & Rainbow are short-lived. Finding inspirations to catch my dreams and sunshine
Friday, April 2, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Leaving this company for good!
And interviews scheduled and etc..
Hope that i would be able to land a job which i really want and most importantly
meet my requirements! LOL!
AVP told me to stay and even told me that i can stay in this company till i've found a new job.
And seriously, i've rejected his offer.. Cause that meanz, i wont get my comm even if i continue to stay! And i'll need to slog like a pig! Thanks but no thanks!
Account manager as well as most aunties in my company told me to stay too~ Cause they find that i am... CUTE?! OMG! Thanks aunties! LOL!
But i find something weird which is, this colleague of mine would scold me when i curse and swear with words like F***k after i put down the phone when some clients pissed me off.
Also she said things like " Dont scold such things, I dont want to hear you scolding those words" (And my immediate impression was -_-" what the heck?? Lol) Strange woman~
As she herself would scold such words when clients pissed her off too!!
Think the only good about this company which i would miss would be my colleagues. And they want to hold a farewell party for me!! LOL! Farewell party for a green horn like me who barely join this company for 2 months.. I'll miss you peepz!!! Miss disturbing all of you!! HAHAHAHA! I'm sure you peepz would miss my nonsense too laz! LOL!!
And interviews scheduled and etc..
Hope that i would be able to land a job which i really want and most importantly
meet my requirements! LOL!
AVP told me to stay and even told me that i can stay in this company till i've found a new job.
And seriously, i've rejected his offer.. Cause that meanz, i wont get my comm even if i continue to stay! And i'll need to slog like a pig! Thanks but no thanks!
Account manager as well as most aunties in my company told me to stay too~ Cause they find that i am... CUTE?! OMG! Thanks aunties! LOL!
But i find something weird which is, this colleague of mine would scold me when i curse and swear with words like F***k after i put down the phone when some clients pissed me off.
Also she said things like " Dont scold such things, I dont want to hear you scolding those words" (And my immediate impression was -_-" what the heck?? Lol) Strange woman~
As she herself would scold such words when clients pissed her off too!!
Think the only good about this company which i would miss would be my colleagues. And they want to hold a farewell party for me!! LOL! Farewell party for a green horn like me who barely join this company for 2 months.. I'll miss you peepz!!! Miss disturbing all of you!! HAHAHAHA! I'm sure you peepz would miss my nonsense too laz! LOL!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
To be or not to be, that is the question..
Up to date, i've clinched up to $400k+ of sales and by the end
of this month i should have did up to half a mil of sales..
Well i've gotten praised by AVP who is the in charge of sales department.
He emailed my sales achievement to the whole department and that kinda made me feel proud of myself. As i'm still a green horn in this company.
However i am starting to ponder if this is the sort of job which i wanted?
And with all those efforts which i've put in i seriously believe that i would be able to achieve more than what i deserve in other companies..
It is not about the stress level even though i have to shoulder the burden of 3 person's work load. As i've condition myself to adapt to that level of stress.
Rather i felt that i wasn't being paid what i should be..
As i'm under probation, thus i would not receive any comm from my sales.
Anyway even if i did receive those comm, itz not as significant as it should be.
Hence if i have to sacrifice so much to earn peanuts. I believe that i would be able to make a break through in other jobs.
I've always wanted to know if my team manager is a really nice aunty or if shez treating me well just because i'm able to cover those shit load of work.. And I've finally seen her true colours.
Well i've tested fire by hinting her that i might leave the company over lunch and her immediate action affirmed my answer. As little actions such as pushing me with more work to do made me found out that she treated me well because shez afraid that i will leave and she would have to handle all those workload..
(I wouldnt do that if i were her.. LOL)
But one thing for sure i've a bunch of really nice colleagues who treated me like their little brother :) Thank you peepz! For teaching me so much! But i guess this is it as i have to bid you peepz good bye.
This time around i am not gonna be so naive, to be tricked by any HR manager. And i seriously hated my current company's HR manager to the core as he didnt explain a single bit about the comm scheme and skipped that topic when i brought it up during interview. Also he didnt even highlight to me that as long as i am under probation, i would not receive any comm.
That freaking son of the gun!! Screw you! You Balding Piece of Shit!!
PS: Dear peepz as this blog of mine is private, do not post any comment to FB with regards to any info which i've shared..
Oh ya one more thing, i've went for an interview with another company and i might consider their offer. That is, if they meet my requirements :) .
Up to date, i've clinched up to $400k+ of sales and by the end
of this month i should have did up to half a mil of sales..
Well i've gotten praised by AVP who is the in charge of sales department.
He emailed my sales achievement to the whole department and that kinda made me feel proud of myself. As i'm still a green horn in this company.
However i am starting to ponder if this is the sort of job which i wanted?
And with all those efforts which i've put in i seriously believe that i would be able to achieve more than what i deserve in other companies..
It is not about the stress level even though i have to shoulder the burden of 3 person's work load. As i've condition myself to adapt to that level of stress.
Rather i felt that i wasn't being paid what i should be..
As i'm under probation, thus i would not receive any comm from my sales.
Anyway even if i did receive those comm, itz not as significant as it should be.
Hence if i have to sacrifice so much to earn peanuts. I believe that i would be able to make a break through in other jobs.
I've always wanted to know if my team manager is a really nice aunty or if shez treating me well just because i'm able to cover those shit load of work.. And I've finally seen her true colours.
Well i've tested fire by hinting her that i might leave the company over lunch and her immediate action affirmed my answer. As little actions such as pushing me with more work to do made me found out that she treated me well because shez afraid that i will leave and she would have to handle all those workload..
(I wouldnt do that if i were her.. LOL)
But one thing for sure i've a bunch of really nice colleagues who treated me like their little brother :) Thank you peepz! For teaching me so much! But i guess this is it as i have to bid you peepz good bye.
This time around i am not gonna be so naive, to be tricked by any HR manager. And i seriously hated my current company's HR manager to the core as he didnt explain a single bit about the comm scheme and skipped that topic when i brought it up during interview. Also he didnt even highlight to me that as long as i am under probation, i would not receive any comm.
That freaking son of the gun!! Screw you! You Balding Piece of Shit!!
PS: Dear peepz as this blog of mine is private, do not post any comment to FB with regards to any info which i've shared..
Oh ya one more thing, i've went for an interview with another company and i might consider their offer. That is, if they meet my requirements :) .
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I guess everybody have their own dreams.
And i'm no different from any living beings.
One of such simple yet difficult dream to attain would be to have a good career and treasure the one you love with the rest of your life.
As there is a saying:
Sometimes all that one could ever wanted, would be to live a life with the one you love in that special dream house and standing by one another. Such is a simple yet complicated matter which not everyone can understand.
I for one is such mere mortal who simply wish to have a great career and most importantly to treasure the one who loves me as much as i love her and appreciate each other's company. Just as simple as that :)
And i'm no different from any living beings.
One of such simple yet difficult dream to attain would be to have a good career and treasure the one you love with the rest of your life.
As there is a saying:
Sometimes all that one could ever wanted, would be to live a life with the one you love in that special dream house and standing by one another. Such is a simple yet complicated matter which not everyone can understand.
I for one is such mere mortal who simply wish to have a great career and most importantly to treasure the one who loves me as much as i love her and appreciate each other's company. Just as simple as that :)
Monday, March 1, 2010
If i can wish for a power, that would be the ability to stop time.
To be able to finally meet up with YOU is the sweetest thing on earth.
It is even better than honey! YES! Shan i know you will be reading this :)
When i was walking back home, it was all bitter sweet.
Sweet that i finally get to see you!!!
Bitter as we have to part after only a few hours of your company :(
A Special person is what you truely are and in my eyes you never fail to shimmer like a star.
Give me a chance and i will show you what love can do.
PS: You know that you are in Love when that person is the first thing in your mind.
Post 2
Needing to cover 3 person's job somehow added some stress to me, and my OT seems to be getting later as each day passes by. Working from 830am till 930pm everyday maybe i should just sleep in my office!
However i will not falter!! Even if it is at the expense of my health, i will still stand strong! Because i've found a reason for me to fight against all odds.
Yes, you've guess it right. The reason is you! :)
To be able to finally meet up with YOU is the sweetest thing on earth.
It is even better than honey! YES! Shan i know you will be reading this :)
When i was walking back home, it was all bitter sweet.
Sweet that i finally get to see you!!!
Bitter as we have to part after only a few hours of your company :(
A Special person is what you truely are and in my eyes you never fail to shimmer like a star.
Give me a chance and i will show you what love can do.
PS: You know that you are in Love when that person is the first thing in your mind.
Post 2
Needing to cover 3 person's job somehow added some stress to me, and my OT seems to be getting later as each day passes by. Working from 830am till 930pm everyday maybe i should just sleep in my office!
However i will not falter!! Even if it is at the expense of my health, i will still stand strong! Because i've found a reason for me to fight against all odds.
Yes, you've guess it right. The reason is you! :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year Peepz!!!
May this CNY be a prosperous one for all of us!!
With greater heights in sight may we soar like an eagle to mark our achievements and not forgetting to push on with the wrath of a tiger :)
Beyond the sky IS THE LIMIT!!
Had my CNY catch up with Bryan and itz our 11th year of friendship!
As usual we crap alot~ From career to stocks to politics and...
Yes, gals as well! LOL! Anything under the sun are the topics which will be touched by us.. The Jackasses! LOL!
As usual our impromptu-ness led us to watch 大宾小将
If yer looking for a good laugh.. Catch this movie!
As the ever green jackie wont disappoint you with his action pack moves & comical expressions!!
3.5 out of 5 Popcorns!!
A dedication :)
So True right??
May this CNY be a prosperous one for all of us!!
With greater heights in sight may we soar like an eagle to mark our achievements and not forgetting to push on with the wrath of a tiger :)
Beyond the sky IS THE LIMIT!!
Had my CNY catch up with Bryan and itz our 11th year of friendship!
As usual we crap alot~ From career to stocks to politics and...
Yes, gals as well! LOL! Anything under the sun are the topics which will be touched by us.. The Jackasses! LOL!
As usual our impromptu-ness led us to watch 大宾小将
If yer looking for a good laugh.. Catch this movie!
As the ever green jackie wont disappoint you with his action pack moves & comical expressions!!
3.5 out of 5 Popcorns!!
A dedication :)
So True right??
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Itz a Bright sunny saturday and i've gotten a good news and a bad news(good news for another person tho).
First of all the bad news is i'm too late... too late for her and maybe itz fate? Who knows maybe one day when we, bump into each other after a few years things may happen? For now i'll just give her my blessing and focus on my career and work on my investment plan so that i can shorten my time to achieve my dreams.
Secondly, the good news would be i'm scheduled for a 3rd round interview. This time round if everything goes well i might be sent for overseas attachment after working for a year or when the dep director feels that itz time for me to be attached overseas(it is a new program which FE had created for younger gen to hasten their career path to the top). Oversea location would most likely to be in the States or Europe. And overseas attachment meaning promotion and etc.. ya da ya da ya da ( all those expat benefits, lazy to type)... However one of the dep director had told me and few person that the 3 of us are the youngest and the only Fresh Grads without any rich working experience to make it to the 3rd round of interview. And she said that we are really something to make it this far..
(Proud? or A pinch of sarcasm? None i say~ There is only one thing in my mind which is to focus and get that job..)
Apart from those above, after receiving those news i went for my run. Initially my intend was to run the big circle in my area. But i ran to ECP, enjoyed the scenery at ECP while i'm jogging and drag myself back home... Most people who looked at me must be thinking " damn this is one crazy mofo, jogging at 12pm on a sunny day? Siao~"
But it was a worthy trip as i get to enjoy the picturesque view. (Not too bad laz)
PS: After the run i've realise that i should go full throttle in focusing on my career, investment and gyming. The rest? Lets just say that i wont be thinking about it for a long time..
First of all the bad news is i'm too late... too late for her and maybe itz fate? Who knows maybe one day when we, bump into each other after a few years things may happen? For now i'll just give her my blessing and focus on my career and work on my investment plan so that i can shorten my time to achieve my dreams.
Secondly, the good news would be i'm scheduled for a 3rd round interview. This time round if everything goes well i might be sent for overseas attachment after working for a year or when the dep director feels that itz time for me to be attached overseas(it is a new program which FE had created for younger gen to hasten their career path to the top). Oversea location would most likely to be in the States or Europe. And overseas attachment meaning promotion and etc.. ya da ya da ya da ( all those expat benefits, lazy to type)... However one of the dep director had told me and few person that the 3 of us are the youngest and the only Fresh Grads without any rich working experience to make it to the 3rd round of interview. And she said that we are really something to make it this far..
(Proud? or A pinch of sarcasm? None i say~ There is only one thing in my mind which is to focus and get that job..)
Apart from those above, after receiving those news i went for my run. Initially my intend was to run the big circle in my area. But i ran to ECP, enjoyed the scenery at ECP while i'm jogging and drag myself back home... Most people who looked at me must be thinking " damn this is one crazy mofo, jogging at 12pm on a sunny day? Siao~"
But it was a worthy trip as i get to enjoy the picturesque view. (Not too bad laz)
PS: After the run i've realise that i should go full throttle in focusing on my career, investment and gyming. The rest? Lets just say that i wont be thinking about it for a long time..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
In order to unsheathe the truth..
Mind games is all that i could do for now.
Even if i've gotten the truth it would only be the key to agony.
An agony for not telling a very important person as you would only want to avoid unnecessary heart shattering emotions..
It would be a secret which i have to keep it from light. Even for life perhaps..
How i hope i have the power to do a burial ritual just to bury every bits of info i had and bury every single shit into the grave.
PS: Hope that i am having redundant thoughts.
Mind games is all that i could do for now.
Even if i've gotten the truth it would only be the key to agony.
An agony for not telling a very important person as you would only want to avoid unnecessary heart shattering emotions..
It would be a secret which i have to keep it from light. Even for life perhaps..
How i hope i have the power to do a burial ritual just to bury every bits of info i had and bury every single shit into the grave.
PS: Hope that i am having redundant thoughts.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The end of an uni life could only mean beginning to a new lease of life.
Sending resume through possible means to secure a job with good prospect, doesnt seen a tad too easy~
Picky, would be the word i would like to get it out of sight!
Waiting for my 2nd round interview and 3rd round interview as well.
(Why is there a need for so many round of interviews with this company?!)
Hope that i would be able to get this job with Future Electronics, also itz at tampines meaning less traveling time. Indeed.. :)
Met up with Mer and Jh for Tennis session this morning at citylight,
was relatively reluctant to wake up. But forced myself up and rush all the way to citylight.This tennis session would serve as a derusting session, as i'm trying to adjust my serving and strokes. With more practice i'm sure i'll get better like those good old days!
After which met up with EmoClub to have our long awaited KTV session at crystabelle.
Had a good time catching up with the peepz, but in terms of singing i was totally off form! (DAMN~ Not shiok enough laz! Need another ktv session soon!)
Kiddy Lynn! Upload those picz! So that i can upload it to my blog!!! LOL
PS: 26th.
Sending resume through possible means to secure a job with good prospect, doesnt seen a tad too easy~
Picky, would be the word i would like to get it out of sight!
Waiting for my 2nd round interview and 3rd round interview as well.
(Why is there a need for so many round of interviews with this company?!)
Hope that i would be able to get this job with Future Electronics, also itz at tampines meaning less traveling time. Indeed.. :)
Met up with Mer and Jh for Tennis session this morning at citylight,
was relatively reluctant to wake up. But forced myself up and rush all the way to citylight.This tennis session would serve as a derusting session, as i'm trying to adjust my serving and strokes. With more practice i'm sure i'll get better like those good old days!
After which met up with EmoClub to have our long awaited KTV session at crystabelle.
Had a good time catching up with the peepz, but in terms of singing i was totally off form! (DAMN~ Not shiok enough laz! Need another ktv session soon!)
Kiddy Lynn! Upload those picz! So that i can upload it to my blog!!! LOL
PS: 26th.
Friday, January 1, 2010
First of all~
May this new year be smooth and prosperous for all of us!
Graduating from RMIT is just the beginning of my new life.
Right now all i'm hoping for would be a job with good prospect!
In 5 years time i should be packing up for my trip to
University of Melbourne or University of Boston for my MBA if everything goes well i guess.
Well~ I've receive a New Year gift meaning i would not need to go for surgery!
There was a "crap" at the back of my ear and i was scheduled for
surgery on the 4th of jan to cut it out.
Surprise surprise~
While i was showering around 12 plus blood started to ooze out and
it left me to ponder if i had cut myself.. Hence a look at the mirror and
i've spotted the source of it. Yes! From that crap!
Oh well i've spent close to 40mins clearing that bloody mess..
Hmmm guess i still need an antibiotic jab tho~ LOL!
PS: Be glad that the worst did not befall on you (E.L)
May this new year be smooth and prosperous for all of us!
Graduating from RMIT is just the beginning of my new life.
Right now all i'm hoping for would be a job with good prospect!
In 5 years time i should be packing up for my trip to
University of Melbourne or University of Boston for my MBA if everything goes well i guess.
Well~ I've receive a New Year gift meaning i would not need to go for surgery!
There was a "crap" at the back of my ear and i was scheduled for
surgery on the 4th of jan to cut it out.
Surprise surprise~
While i was showering around 12 plus blood started to ooze out and
it left me to ponder if i had cut myself.. Hence a look at the mirror and
i've spotted the source of it. Yes! From that crap!
Oh well i've spent close to 40mins clearing that bloody mess..
Hmmm guess i still need an antibiotic jab tho~ LOL!
PS: Be glad that the worst did not befall on you (E.L)
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