Sunday, April 12, 2009

Quiz on women.

Alright was taking a quick break from my revision.
Hence i took a test from facebook on "How well do you know women?" and the results?

Your Result: Excellent!! (100%)

You've Got to be Kidding Me!! Either you're an expert on the field of Women, or you've cheated!! Or else, you might just be a women who has taken the quiz to see if it's really authentic! Whatever it is, Congratulations.... You're an Expert on the most difficult topic on earth.... Women!!

Hahaha... Me? Guru on woman? Lol. Not exactly..
Cause sometimes when you know them inside out they'll get freaked out.
And its quite an agony to know whatz going on in their mind but you cant highlight it out to emm..

Cause they prefer to have someone listening, than someone who gives them advice..
When they wanted advice they would ask for one..

PS: Bottom line would be, Care & Attention these are vital things that they need from man. Just giving my 2 cents worth..

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