Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Had put a dot to that finishing sentence. After all it had been more than a year.. A year and a half to be precise. It was a difficult choice for me, as it often lead me to wonder what if another person was chosen.. But never the less I've made up my mind, to prevent the drag from going on. To stop revolving in circles over and over again. Cause no matter how long i were to wait, the end result would be the same.. After all i guess, i do not have a standing ground or any weightage from her. Cutting that line off wasn't easy for me, but i guess that would be a better solution for her. So that she can focus on that person.. At the end of the day heart rending could only be stigmatized on one..

Hopefully you would not be revolving in circles and live in a life of bliss.

Ps: 我会装着不露痕迹的因为那是我对你最后的风度.

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