Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leaving this company for good!
And interviews scheduled and etc..

Hope that i would be able to land a job which i really want and most importantly
meet my requirements! LOL!

AVP told me to stay and even told me that i can stay in this company till i've found a new job.
And seriously, i've rejected his offer.. Cause that meanz, i wont get my comm even if i continue to stay! And i'll need to slog like a pig! Thanks but no thanks!

Account manager as well as most aunties in my company told me to stay too~ Cause they find that i am... CUTE?! OMG! Thanks aunties! LOL!

But i find something weird which is, this colleague of mine would scold me when i curse and swear with words like F***k after i put down the phone when some clients pissed me off.
Also she said things like " Dont scold such things, I dont want to hear you scolding those words" (And my immediate impression was -_-" what the heck?? Lol) Strange woman~
As she herself would scold such words when clients pissed her off too!!

Think the only good about this company which i would miss would be my colleagues. And they want to hold a farewell party for me!! LOL! Farewell party for a green horn like me who barely join this company for 2 months.. I'll miss you peepz!!! Miss disturbing all of you!! HAHAHAHA! I'm sure you peepz would miss my nonsense too laz! LOL!!

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